Etna Park

The Etna Park, the first to be established among the Sicilian Parks, with its 59000 hectares has the primary task of protecting a unique natural environment and the extraordinary landscape that surrounds the highest active volcano in Europe, Etna.

Island of the currents

The island of the currents for its position represents a sort of ideal boundary between the Ionian and the Mediterranean Sea. The currents generated by the encounter of these two seas give life to ripples and colors in constant evolution, hence the name “Isola delle Correnti”.


Pantalica, or rather the Rupestrian Necropolis of Pantalica, is one of the most important Sicilian protohistoric places, useful for understanding the moment of transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age on the island.

Biviere of Gela Nature Reserve

Thanks to its geographical position and climatic conditions, the Biviere di Gela Nature Reserve is one of the most important migration and resting areas for waterfowl passing through the long winter before returning to Northern Europe.