The Territory

Organizing or choosing touristic itineraries in Sicily means first of all sifting through the various possible options offered by the island, starting from the archaeological and historical ones to the holiday ones that instead concern the seaside resorts.

All this is possible because Sicily has centuries of history to offer, starting from the various archaeological finds attesting presences of life even in prehistoric times and then contain, of course, all the forms of expression with which the man wanted to leave the tangible sign of his presence to posterity.

We must not forget the various dominations that the island has undergone, starting, for example, from the Greek one that affected eastern Sicily from the eighth century A.C. and with traces still visible in Syracuse and Agrigento, and then the Byzantine one, the later Arab one that gave a great impetus to local agriculture and a departure from the Greek-Roman reminiscences, to the Norman one started from the end of the year 1000 , partly criticizable because their struggles for the island’s domination produced an almost total destruction of the previous artistic and cultural representations, domination that however gave the island a new political structure based on strong alliances with the Church and new constructive models brought by the various orders religious who arrived on the island.

    Archaeological Routes

  • Morgantina
  • Valley of the Temples
  • Villa Romana del Casale

    Naturalistic Routes

  • Biviere of Gela Nature Reserve
  • Cavagrande of Cassibile nature reserve
  • Etna Park
  • Island of the currents
  • Nature Reserve oriented Vendicari
  • Pantalica

    Other Routes

  • Food adn Wine Tour
  • Modica
  • Pagoda of Peace
  • Ragusa Ibla
  • Scicli